Little known information on the popular but toxic food supplement, whey protein powder. This information is so valuable that it is worth reproducing in full from the Yahoo Group:
Article of the Week: Medical Myth #7:
Whey Is a Health Food
Since 1978, whey has been touted by food and dairy manufacturers as
the ultimate health food. They exalt whey as a more complete protein
than the perfect egg. The most common measure of protein quality is
the Biological Value (BV). A whole egg is measured at 100 BV. Whey
weighs in at 104 BV. In comparison, the BV of beef is 80, soy is 74,
wheat is 54, and the BV of beans is 49.
Whey contains all of the essential and nonessential amino acids, so
body builders often use its protein concentrate to assist in building
muscles. With all of these claims, you would think that drinking pure
whey would turn you into Arnold Schwarzenegger; however, before you
invest in a gallon jug, let's take a look at the origin of whey.
I cannot think of a more appropriate explanation of the process of
making whey than the one given by Laura Ingalls Wilder in Little
House in the Big Woods (pages 187-192):
"Pa went to Grandpa's and to Uncle Henry's to talk about the
cheese-making, and Uncle Henry said he would kill one of his calves.
There would be enough rennet for Aunt Polly and Grandma and Ma. So Pa
went again to Uncle Henry's, and came back with a piece of the little
calf's stomach. It was like a piece of soft, grayish-white leather,
all ridged and rough on one side.
"When the cows were milked at night, Ma set the milk away in pans. In
the morning she skimmed off the cream to make into butter later. Then
when the morning's milk had cooled, she mixed it with the skimmed
milk and set it all on the stove to heat. A bit of the rennet, tied
in a cloth, was soaking in warm water.
"When the milk was heated enough, Ma squeezed every drop of water
from the rennet in the cloth, and then she poured the water into the
milk. She stirred it well and left it in a warm place by the stove.
In a little while it thickened into a smooth, quivery mass. With a
long knife Ma cut this mass into little squares, and let it stand
whilethe curd separated from the why. Then she poured it all into a
cloth and let the thin, yellowish whey drain out.
"When no more whey dripped from the cloth, Ma emptied the curd into a
big pan and salted it, turning and mixing it well. Laura and Mary
were always there, helping all they could. They loved to eat bits of
the curd when Ma was salting it. It squeaked in their teeth.
"Under the cherry tree outside the back door Pa had put up the board
to press the cheese on. He had cut two grooves the length of the
board, and laid the board on blocks, one end a little higher than the
other. Under the lower end stood an empty pail.
"Ma put her wooden cheese hoop on the board, spread a clean, wet
cloth all over the inside of it, and filled it heaping full of the
chunks of salted curd. She covered this with another clean, wet
cloth, and laid on top of it a round board, cut small enough to go
inside the cheese hoop. Then she lifted a heavy rock on top of the
board. All day long the round board settled slowly under the weight
of the rock, and whey pressed out and ran down the grooves of the
board into the pail.
"Next morning, Ma would take out the round, pale yellow cheese, as
large as a milk pan. Then she made more curd, and filled the cheese
hoop again. ... The first day Ma made cheese, Laura tasted the whey.
She tasted it without saying anything to Ma, and when Ma turned
around and saw her face, Ma laughed. That night while she was washing
the supper dishes and Mary and Laura were wiping them, Ma told Pa
that Laura had tasted the whey and didn't like it."
This process has been improved since the 1870s, but Laura's
explanation of cheese making gives a clear indication that pioneers
had no use for whey. It tasted and smelled awful! This simple fact is
just as true today. Harvey and Marilyn Diamond describe it as "a
putrid, yellow-green by-product of cheese production," which is
"vile-smelling" and "vile-tasting" (Diamond, Harvey & Marilyn. Fit
For Life II: Living Health. New York: Warner Books, 1987. 328). It
makes me wonder if Little Miss Muffet ate the curd and left the whey
for the spider.
Before 1960, whey was trucked to hog farms as pig feed. That was an
expensive way to dispose of it, so the dairy industry began to look
for other inexpensive alternatives. Many cheese manufacturers began
to illegally dump whey into streams, landfills, and sewers; however,
federal regulations strictly forbade this practice. Why?
"Whey is 100 to 200 times more stronger a pollutant than residential
sewage, and most municipal sewerage plants cannot treat it
adequately. Disposal in streams is out because whey depletes
waterways of oxygen, thus rendering them incapable of supporting
marine life. Disposal on unused land or gravel pits is often
unsuitable because of seepage into water supplies" (Ibid. 328).
With solutions dwindling for the inexpensive disposal of whey, the
dairy industry finally discovered an innovative resolution. You're
going to love this! Straight from the Los Angeles Times on December
4, 1978, we read, "The solution hit upon by both industry and
government is to apply high technology and sophisticated marketing
techniques and feed the stuff to humans."
It worked before! The meat and dairy industry collaborated to bring
us the poisonous four food groups with their advertising campaigns
and education programs. Why not use the same strategy for whey? This
stuff is too toxic for sewers, but not for the American people!
They'll eat anything! Let's promote it as a health food and put it in
everything from Twinkies to margarine. Hey, let's even put it in baby
food! We can even put it in protein drinks for kids, like Ovaltine.
Check your food labels and you will be surprised what else contains
Whey is a noxious, mucus-forming protein for anyone, but especially
those who are allergic to dairy as I am. Recently, my wife was trying
out new recipes. She and my two daughters are transitioning into a
vegetarian diet, so they love to try meat substitutes. I have no
cravings for meat, so I am not very fond of substitutes. However, my
wife found a soy "chicken" breast substitute that not only tasted
like chicken, but had the same texture as well. She put it in soy
"chicken" potpie and in an Italian "chicken" dish.
I will briefly detail a two-week section of my food diary--sometimes
a very handy thing--so that you can see the benefits of keeping one
for yourself. On January 2, 2001, I ate one serving of her "chicken"
potpie. The next morning, I felt congested and run down. This
prompted me to go on a juice fast for the next six days. (I fast
periodically and took this occasion to detoxify.) I drank only
distilled water and carrot-juice blends from January 3-8. I felt
absolutely wonderful and full of energy during that time.
I ate 100 percent raw food on January 9. The kids loved the potpie so
much; my wife fixed it again on January 10. I only had a small
portion with my salad. The next morning I was congested again with a
sinus headache. I continued to eat 90 to 100 percent raw foods each
day, but I continued to feel worse. On January 12, my wife fixed the
Italian "chicken" dish and I ate a very small portion. Saturday
morning, January 13, I woke up feeling like my head would split open.
I was completely congested, dizzy, and weak.
I went over in my mind what I had eaten every time I had begun to
feel congested and ruled out one food after another. I was beginning
to think I had found another food allergy. Finally, I dug in the
garbage can and found the box for this soy "chicken." The first
ingredient was, of course, soy. The second ingredient was--you
guessed it--whey! I couldn't believe my wife had missed that! She
knew I was allergic to dairy products. I became angry because I had
not checked the ingredients the first time she had fixed the potpie.
I had to relearn a valuable lesson: always know what you are putting
into your body.
Because of my mistake, I spent three days in bed, went through two
boxes of Puffs Plus, and suffered through one of the worst migraines
I had ever had. MSG will also do this to me, so that's what I kept
thinking I must have eaten without knowing it. I suggest that you
also keep a food diary. Record any negative symptoms you experience
and you may eventually find that you have been eating foods that have
been undermining your health for years.
Whether you are allergic to dairy or not, I recommend that you avoid
all dairy products, as well as meat, sugar, refined carbohydrates,
and junk food. The Diamonds aptly put it: "Whether the product is
whey or molasses or brewer's yeast or fluoride or radioactive wastes,
we must not allow big business to use our bodies to solve their toxic
waste problems" (Ibid. 329). May God bless you with the wisdom to
treat your body as His temple.
Kenneth E. Loy, Jr., CN