Gaia is the word for "unity-of-life-processes". The experiment here is to unify the various threads of voice and sense of self together into an undivided unity. Spirituality, economics, politics, science and ordinary life interleaved.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

How to Read Textbooks

Here are the best and briefest tips for reading textbooks fast:

  • Mindset is important. "The hardest part about learning from a textbook isn't grasping the material; it's staying motivated."
  • Mindset. Generate the feeling that you really want to master the subject, from a personal interest. Put out of mind that you are preparing for a test. Some textbooks are friends, and some are foes. Be determined to get what you want out of it.
  • Prepare. Do the reading before the lecture and tutorial. It won't make sense without it. Treat college like a job and have set reading hours in the library.
  • Vocabulary. Learning the vocabulary - don't skip an undefined word.
  • Understanding. Ask yourself, if uncertain, what does it really mean?
  • Google for resources to fortify your understanding
  • Read out loud anything you don't immediately grasp fully.
  • Motivation. Do it every day.
  • Motivation. Incentivize progress: plan something fun at the end of each chapter.
  • Control your pacing. 
  • Take notes only in a manner that will be organized for future reference, and don't take too many notes. Consider taking notes at the end of each section or chapter.
  • Keep your breaks short. A good rule of thumb is 43 minutes study and 17 minutes rest and play.
  • Notes. Nail concepts down by doing a few homework problems.
  • Only write notes after finishing the section and then going back to write it all down.
  • Re-read and review. After the lecture, go over the material and write a short summary and key questions. Check and confirm your understanding.
  • Contemplate. Think about the concepts as you walk around and allow them to reveal themselves to you. 

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